Funds allow us to support the school and community life by holding socials, speaker series and guest speakers, luncheons, building beautification, and improvements.

Contact us if you want to help or have suggestions on how to increase fundraising efforts.
DEBATE Committee
Take free-association to another level in debate format. Let's take our readings and debate them in verbal combat.

Contact us if you want to help or have suggestions on how to increase fundraising efforts.
Bring your creativity and ideas to improve our physical environment.

Help organize speaker talks, socials, forums, luncheons, food for meetings, and more.

Contact us if you want to help or have suggestions on how to increase fundraising efforts.
Open Board Positions
BGSPSA has openings for a representative from each of the following academic and clinical program:
One-Year Program
Masters of Arts in Psychoanalytic Counseling
Masters of Arts in Psychoanalysis
Masters of Arts in Psychoanalysis & Culture
Certificate Program
Doctorate in Psychoanalysis
Doctorate in Psychoanalysis & Culture
Saturday-only Students
International Students
Be the voice for your peers and advocate for their needs and concerns.
you will be expected to attend the Students' Association's General meetings and the Board meetings, which are typically held once a month or as needed.