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Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis Student Association BY-LAWS




Section 1.01 The name of this organization shall be the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis Student Association (BGSPSA).


Section 1.02 These by-laws are the formal written code of this organization.





Section 2.01 The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis Student Association (BGSPSA) shall be the recognized student representation organization for the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis (BGSP).


Section 2.02 The aim of BGSPSA is to promote community life, advance student interests and provide a forum for addressing student concerns.


Section 2.03 BGSPSA serves the purpose of assuring that BGSP is aware of the ever changing needs of its students by facilitating communication between the student body and the Faculty and Administration.


Section 2.04 BGSPSA shall facilitate the equitable representation of the student body on all appropriate standing at BGSP.





Section 3.01 Membership shall consist of all students enrolled at BGSP.


Section 3.02 The Student Association Committee [SAC] is responsible for the operations of BGSPSA and is comprised of Officers and Representatives as defined in Articles IV and V.


Section 3.03 The membership fee will be determined by the SAC in conjunction with the BGSP Administration.


Section 3.04 BGSPSA does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, religion, race, national origin, ethnic background, or sexual orientation.


Section 3.05 BGSP shall appoint a BGSPSA Faculty Advisor.





Section 4.01 The officers of BGSPSA shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall comprise the Student Association Committee (SAC).


Section 4.02 Officers shall meet the following qualifications at the time of nomination and throughout the term of office:


  • An officer must be a student in good standing at BGSP.


Section 4.03 The duties of the officers shall be as follows:


(a) It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings ofBGSPSA, SAC, and the new student orientation, to arrange for the annual election of officers, to enforce observance of the by-laws, assign duties, call special meetings, communicate with the Administration, and perform such other duties as the office may require.

(b) It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to attend meetings ofBGSPSA and SAC, to enforce observance of the by-laws, call special meetings, to preside at any such meeting at which the President is absent, and perform such other duties as the office may require.

(c) It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend meetings of BGSPSA and SAC and to take minutes at all such meetings. These minutes shall be presented at the next BGSPSA and SAC meeting and shall be available for inspection by all members, faculty and administration. In addition, the Secretary is responsible for enforcing the observance of the by-laws, and to perform such other duties as the office may require.

(d) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to attend meetings of BGSPSA and SAC and to keep a record of income and expenditures, to enforce observance of the by-laws, call special meetings, and perform such other duties as the office may require. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to the President upon request.


Section 4.04 Removal from Office


(a) The decision to remove an officer from the office will be made on a case-by-case basis by a quorum vote (70% or more) from the Student Association Committee with the counsel of the appointed Faculty Advisor.





Section 5.01 Each academic and clinical program shall have a representative member of the BGSPSA who shall be invited to, and will be expected to attend, both SAC and BGSPSA meetings. Representatives include, but are not limited to:


(a) One-Year Program

(b) Masters of Arts in Psychoanalytic Counseling

(c) Masters of Arts in Psychoanalysis

(d) Masters of Arts in Psychoanalysis and Culture

(e) Certificate Program

(f) Doctorate in Psychoanalysis

(g) Doctorate in Psychoanalysis and Culture

(h) Saturday-only Students

(i) International Students


Section 5.02 Representatives shall meet the following qualifications at the time of nomination and throughout the term of office:


  • A representative must be a student in good standing at BGSP.


Section 5.03 The duties of representatives shall be to represent the interests of the students of each individual program at meetings of the BGSPSA and to bring to the attention of the BGSPSA any relevant issues requiring further attention.


Section 5.04 Vacancies


(a) In the event that no representative is forthcoming for an individual program, an officer of the SAC will be eligible to fill the position.


(b) In the event that no SAC officer is able to fill a vacant position, the position shall remain open until a representative is found. The SAC will take all reasonable measures to publicize the vacancy until a representative can be found.





Section 6.01 Nominations and Elections


(a) An annual election of officers shall be held each Fall semester, with officers terms running from the beginning of the Spring semester through to the end of the following Fall semester.


(b) A call for nominations will occur during the Fall semester each year. Students can nominate themselves or be nominated by other students. All nominees shall confirm their intent to run prior to the distribution of ballots.


(c) Ballots will be distributed to each student in paper form via their student mailboxes each Fall semester. Completed ballots will be accepted for a period of two weeks after their distribution, after which time a neutral party will tabulate ballots. Newly-elected officers shall be notified prior to a general announcement, which will be at the earliest "all community" meeting.


(d) Should a position not be filled at the time of the general election, interested parties will be solicited and a special election will be held by the current committee members.


(e) Should a position, after the special election, remain unfulfilled, the duties of the position will be distributed among the incoming SAC officers.


(f) In the case of a tie vote, the candidates shall make a statement of interest to the current SAC officers in a special meeting. The current SAC officers shall then vote to determine who will fill the position.


Section 6.02 Vacancies


(a) In the event that the President is unable to complete the term of office, the Vice President shall assume the office of President.


(b) Should a SAC member, other than the President, want to vacate his/her office, s/he will give two weeks notice to SAC.


(c) SAC will hold a special meeting to determine how to proceed with the vacancy.


(d) SAC reserves the right to add, delete, or modify in any way any position by majority vote.


(e) SAC, by a majority vote, may grant a leave of absence to an elected officer. The leave of absence shall not exceed one academic semester. SAC, by majority vote, may appoint a member to serve as a pro-tempore office during the leave of absence.





Section 8.01 Source of Funds


(a) Funds for the operating expenses of BGSPSA will come primarily from student fees.


(b) Other avenues of fundraising may be explored.


Section 8.02 Administration of Funds


(a) The Treasurer, who maintains a budget in consultation with SAC, shall manage the Student Association's funds.


(b) The Treasurer and the President shall both be legal signers on the BGSPSA bank account.


Section 8.03 Distribution of Funds


(a) SAC will vote on all expenditures greater than $200. If an immediate decision is required, consultation with the president and one other member is necessary. If the president is unavailable, consultation with another SAC member is required before any funds are allocated.


(b) A cash flow statement will be prepared and made available by the Treasurer at the end of the term of office.


(c) A copy of the cash flow statement will be provided upon request by any member of the BGSPSA or the Faculty Advisor.


(d) Other BGSP organizations may petition SAC to be included in the yearly budget. The petition must be renewed each year. Any monies allocated to an organization out of its individual budget must be requested in advance along with a statement of how the monies will be used.


(e) Request for funds must be made a month prior to the event in order for the SAC members to discuss and vote on the distribution. Requests must be submitted in writing to the Treasurer.





Section 9.01 By-laws may be amended by majority vote of BGSPSA after SAC has conducted a thorough study and discussion with the Faculty Advisor, and a majority vote has occurred.


Section 9.02 Proposed changes or amendments to the by-laws shall be submitted to the President in writing.


Section 9.03 Proposed changes or amendments to the by-laws shall be approved by SAC and the Faculty Advisor prior to submission for a vote of the BGSPSA general membership.

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